Sunday, October 19, 2008


Particularly dangerous is the merge the 4&44 must accomplish to go onto Williams from the Rose Quarter. That really looks scary. When going into the Rose Quarter over the tracks its too narrow, the bike lane is too close to the bus lane. The bikes coming into the quarter from Williams appear to be heading RIGHT AT the departing buses?
The more I think about this issue the clearer it becomes that this whole thing has more to do with publicity than anything else. Go over to the bike Portland Blog and see the big hullabaloo that went on over this. It makes me just scratch my head? Now, a day later I think I am putting the pieces together. THIS WHOLE THING IS ADVERTISING FOR PORTLAND!
Portland is the "platinum" golden bicycle award winning city, now they have this HUGE ADVERTISEMENT plopped right down in the middle of the Rose Quarter. I mean, look at the size of the BICYCLE on the bike box. And every visitor to Portland ends up at the Rose Quarter eventually, is there any other place in America that has a huge Bicycle green sticker like that?

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