Wednesday, July 1, 2009



Unfortunately, it was necessary for a driver to ask a disruptive group to get
off the bus recently. A family with a screaming child, seated directly behind
the driver, could not or would not quiet the child, or possibly move to the back
of the bus, away from the driver.

I have had screaming children on the bus and I don't like it. For me, it comes
down to a safety issue. Driving a bus safely requires a lot of focus. The safety
of the passengers rests on safely operating the bus, which demands maximum
focus, using all our senses to be aware of the ever changing conditions around
us and be ready to react, and loud noise, what ever the source is an impairment
to my focus and the safety of everyone.

Speaking of focus, with the many other truly important stories and issues facing
our community, why would KOIN give air time to something like this?

I don't often watch local news. It's largely shallow, low quality info-tainment,
tabloid journalism, long on drama and short on facts.

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